
Got a Dog? Walk Responsibly

Dogs must be leashed, and pet waste must be picked up

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Dogs must be leashed, and pet waste must be picked up.

Residents are reminded to leash their dogs and clean up pet waste when using public spaces such as sidewalks, parks, cemeteries and the Riverwalk greenway. 

According to Orange County law, dogs must be leashed when outside of personal property or fenced dog parks.  

“Leashing your dog makes our public spaces safer for everyone,” said Public Space and Sustainability Manager Stephanie Trueblood. “Off-leash dogs can be dangerous, cause damage to the environment, and make our public spaces unwelcoming to others.” 

In addition to unleashed dogs, dog waste is accumulating in town. The waste is sometimes bagged but left on the ground or tied to trees, perhaps for later pickup. Often these bags are forgotten, and others have to dispose of them.  

Dog waste does not degrade quickly, and it contains harmful pathogens that can create health risks when they are washed into waterways during rain. Nutrients in the runoff can also lead to algae blooms in the Eno River and elsewhere. In addition, dog waste and bagged waste left on the ground and in trees are unsightly. 

“Pet waste is stinky and gross especially for mowing and grounds maintenance crews,” Trueblood said. “The town provides pet waste bags and receptacles at multiple locations. Pet waste is also a pollutant. We need dog owners to act responsibly and dispose of their pet’s waste rather than leaving it for others to deal with.” 

Pet waste bags and receptacles are available on Riverwalk, at town parks and throughout downtown Hillsborough.